Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Honey-glazed pear upside-down cake

My poor children. Wednesday night's dinner is often something that borders on junk because that's the day the NY Times Dining section comes out. And if I'm not working, and if a recipe appeals to me and if I have most of the ingredients on hand, I'll make something completely inappropriate for dinner. I mean, like dessert. (See above).

I made this recipe without the chestnut honey (I mean, really, who has THAT on hand?) and used golden syrup instead (left over from a Nigella Lawson recipe from last year). I was also out of fresh lemons and substituted lemon oil for the lemon zest. (This was not an acceptable substitute and I would not do it again. Lemon oil, or essence, has a rather chemical after-taste. So fresh lemons are definitely the way to go here.) I would, however, like to try this with some rustic honey from the farmer's market. Golden Syrup, is really just melted sugar and only one step up from corn syrup, in my opinion.
I made this again with raw honey from the farmer's market and lemon zest. MUCH better and I highly recommend this recipe. It makes you look so good because it comes out looking so professional.

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